Hadrien Loumaye

The artistic practice of Belgian artist Hadrien Loumaye is essentially focused on the relationship between gesture and color. The movement is the direct witness of a certain physical energy breathed into each creative act. The various color arrangementys present in the paintings are arranged in such a way as to produce an emotive effect on the

viewer. There is an apparent contradiction between the tenderness of certain colors and the sometimes primitive gestures of certain works.

The affective dimension of the different paintings is one of the guiding threads of the work with the development of sensitivity being one of the main objectives. There is a desire to get closer to the freest expression of a psychology, to give shape to a transparent state. The painting

experimentation takes different forms ranging from paintings to murals.

This allows to play with different scales and supports with their own singularities. Certain pictorial gestures are reused in other mediums such as drawing in an attempt to approach these artistic disciplines differently.

©HadrienLoumaye, 2023

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« notre.dit » fonctionne comme une plateforme dédiée à l’art contemporain, agissant comme une agence pour artistes. Il met en avant une diversité d’œuvres artistiques, y compris des peintures et des sculptures, provenant de différents artistes. Les publications favorisent la créativité artistique et la diversité, offrant ainsi aux abonnés une immersion captivante dans le monde de l’art contemporain. De plus, ce compte offre des commentaires et des réflexions sur les pièces exposées, stimulant ainsi des discussions approfondies et une appréciation enrichissante de l’art contemporain.

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