Samuel Lemba

Samuel Lemba is a Liège-raised, Brussels-based painter whose artistic practice ponders over questions of identity in the plurality of its forms. Through his paintings Samuel explores the Self in terms of psychic energy, upbringing, and origins. By merging these topics, he seeks to rewrite the question of identity, without falling into clichés. Moreover, the embodiment of these identities are not only achieved by the straightforward portrayal of the human body but is also alluded to by insinuating a human shape in space or through the presence of human possessions in the paintings.

Ever since he was a child, Samuel has been observing the world around him and through a mixture of different art media these observations come to life in painting. Paying attention to the mundane aspects of life, he intends to start a conversation with the viewer. The open spaces in his paintings invite the viewer to imagine themselves to be part of the scenery. In this way a dialogue is established between artist and viewer, in which the viewer is encouraged to carefully dissect and called upon to observe the same work multiple times in order to find meaning.

Samuel’s work has been selected for multiple exhibitions. His work has also been showcased as part of the Black History Month program in Belgium. Currently, Samuel is studying Painting at La Cambre in Brussels.

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« notre.dit » fonctionne comme une plateforme dédiée à l’art contemporain, agissant comme une agence pour artistes. Il met en avant une diversité d’œuvres artistiques, y compris des peintures et des sculptures, provenant de différents artistes. Les publications favorisent la créativité artistique et la diversité, offrant ainsi aux abonnés une immersion captivante dans le monde de l’art contemporain. De plus, ce compte offre des commentaires et des réflexions sur les pièces exposées, stimulant ainsi des discussions approfondies et une appréciation enrichissante de l’art contemporain.

Where to find us

Brussels, Belgium
